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August 14 - 26 2006

Greetings friends! Summer is over here and fall has begun - and the weather today is in just the right mode for it - cold, cloudy and misty. The-Short-One turned off the air conditioner and opened the windows - and it's lovely!

been adding some things, despite the chaos around here. First off, I have given out two new awards! One to Hot Disney Icons which has tons of free icons for blogs and websites, and another to Welkom op Fräncis’ Web (varkens, varkens, varkens), a website that has more piggy themed things then I can even name - I love it!

I have also leapt into the realm of MySpace Contact Boxes and Online Now Icons! These are free for you to download, I'm sorry, but I can't HOST the images on this site. I thought about getting a photobucket account and hotlinking, but then if something happens and I delete it YOU loose it, so it's best if you save it yourself anyway. At least I like it better that way, myself!

I have pulled my baseball team out of the championship. Yeah right! no, there is only the championship game left, and we aren't playing in it - obviously. The stars are playing The Avengers for it >sigh<. So I am going to loose the house cup next weekend. I am very, very sad about this!

BUT something has cheered me up! Check out the pictures at the bottom - I am number one in Google, yahoo and Altavista web searches - yay! I took screen captures, of course, to commemorate this terrific event! Just think, it only took six years to get there, ha ha!

School has started up again. I have mixed feelings on this, as usual. On one hand i enjoy school, but I also enjoy spending all day doing whatever we wanted to... Oh well. They are holding class officer elections next week, and I am hoping to be class president again, but then again I don't know. it WAS a lot of work... Maybe I should take this year easy?

In other news, the people have been very busy here. Last weekend they had company from Omaha so they stayed next door, and all we bears hid out here. It's The-Short-One's Aunt, or else Bubbles's Mommy's sister and brother or something. Anyway, we had a lovely time of it - the house was peaceful and the-Short-One even cleaned first!

Then The-Slobby-Brother-Like-Person ended up in the hospital. he got in some kind of a car wreck or something. Something to do with having lacerated organs... I don't know. Andy knows much better than I do. Anyway, he came home - the same day the air conditioner people came, but I'll get to that - and is doing just fine, though he is very whiny I think!

THEN the Short-One's father (the one who has all the cats) came for a visit for the weekend - and again everyone was next door! It would be nice except when she is kept busy The-Short-One refuses to clean! I suggested to her that she should do the dishes and she muttered something about having to check her e-mail and her group. I don't know, I think it's very sad that she finds the internet more important than her house work! She claims she is writing a book as well - bah! I have read some of it, and let me tell you she'd best not quit her day job! Oh wait, she'd have to get one of those first...

Not too much else worth mentioning really. With school starting up we have loads of homework already. We have Mrs. Friendly again - and again Booy is in my class. I thought for sure they'd hold him back, but they didn't.

All right, I must go now!


And here I am number 1 and 2 on google, the old number one is now four - and the oinkers drawings are catching up -eek!

Yahoo search results - yay!

And finally, Altavista. I didn't see myself on AskJeeves... though I only checked the first page. Shows who has the best search engines I think :P

Copyright © Oinkers 2006

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