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July 30-August 5 2000

Hello friends! This week Doggie and Booy and I and some other bears went on an expedition. We snuck out of the house (after having packed picnic lunches) and decided to explore the town we are now living in.

Our general impression was that the town was much smaller then we had suspected. The sign says 400, and I am sure that means people, not teddies. There is not much of interest here. There is a convenience store with a door too heavy to open. But after we peeked through the windows we decided we didn't want to go there anyway.

There is another gas station across the highway, but it looked busy so we skipped it too. There are a lot of nasty dogs, one of these nasty dogs chased Booy up a tree. We were all walking along and then out of no where the dog starts chasing us, but apparently he was interested in Booy's lunch box! Booy had to climb up the tree and we all had to wait until this person came and carried the dog off! It was scary, but now that we look back on it we all find it funny, except for Booy.

The best part of the day was when we had lunch! We had it at the park, sitting under a picnic table so the police man would not spot us and take us home. Though it was a long walk home and about halfway there we were wishing someone would come and get us.

All in all it was a very fun day, though it was hot and we got home late. I think we may have to do it again sometime, only this time I think I will carry a pocket full of doggy biscuits!

Till next time,

my town

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