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March 11 - April 7 2001

Greetings my friends! It has been a long time since I have written anything here because The-Short-One has been gone on a long trip so I have had no one to put this on the Internet for me. I wasn't sure she was actually coming back, so I waited until I was sure before I hurt my poor fuzzy paws with this terrible ink pen. Oh, to have the Internet again....

You will never guess where The-Short-One went on her trip - to see Bubbles! I am still upset that I didn't get to go and see my very best friend Bubbles! Though she spent two weeks at her Dad's house (the place with all the evil cats) first, so maybe it is for the best that I didn't go. Booy got to go, though. He had a lot of fun when he wasn't hiding from cats, that is. Though they got to sleep in a bedroom this time instead of sleeping on the floor in the Study! The-Short-One cleaned out her brother's old room so they had a bed! Hrrrrmmmphphphp! I have not had a bed, in fact I have been very, very busy helping Charlie move!

The new house is nice, though it is very small and it is not in Fair Play. Now we live outside of Bolivar, a bigger town. But we live out in the country so I no longer have a town to go walk around, and we live right on a very big highway that has LOTS of cars zooming by very, very fast, so I'm not sure we will do much exploring here. There is also no Fritz the goat! I am going to miss him, he was such a nice goat!

The new house has only three rooms! The kitchen/dining/front room/computer room is all one BIG room. Then there is the bed room and then the bathroom. Charlie and I have been working hard to get everything put away, but there is still a long way to go. Really, everything is sort of heaped up all over everywhere. It is such a MESS. I am scared again of getting squished by a box. I'm not sure anyone would save me if I did.

We have the computer set up, thank goodness! Though one thing is good, we now have TV channels! We have five of them! It is so strange, not that I ever get the remote anyways. That Short One is so stingy, especially now that she is mad about the mess here. But she could have stayed here and helped us move if she wanted it done a certain way. Actually her grandma was sick, so I guess she couldn't, but that's still no reason to be so picky.

Anyway, I am going to go for now. If I do not get crushed or lost I will be back soon.


This is a picture of me working hard while that alien does nothing - as usual

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