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August 13-19

Hello dear friends. I am rather mad at The-Short-One. Bubbles called me last night and did she wake me up to talk to him? NO! Now Bubbles thinks I don't like him anymore. The-Short-One swears she tried to wake me up and says that I threw a pillow at her and growled, but I did not! I know she is making it up!

Other than that I have been having problems with this printer. To get it to work I have to disconnect and then reconnect it before choosing "print". This is very hard as my little paws are not very good at hanging on to things like cords! I wish these people were not so cheap and would buy something useful for a change!

They went shopping this week and have bought a big stuffed dog. It looks very real. You would never guess what they named it, Spotty. Now what kind of a dog do you think it is? A Dalmatian? Nooooooo. It is a rottweiler! A rottweiler named Spotty. Spotty is not happy with the name either and he told me that it all has to do with some horse joke that neither of us know. If I find it out I will tell everyone so maybe then it will all make sense.

Spotty is rather nice, apart from being grumpy about the name. But he gets petted a lot, every time anyone walks past him. I suppose it is because he looks so "life-like" but why do people not pet little pink pigs? Someone needs to do a study on this phenomenon.

Also Charlie has brought The-Short-One a new friend. It is a Winnie the Pooh bear in a Tigger suit. He bounces up and down and says he is hungry. She likes it very much, but to be honest I haven't talked to him yet. All the bouncing makes me tired.

Also we have finally gotten connected to the internet through a local server, which means I am no longer running up the phone bill by being on here! That will make Charlie very happy, since he is all ready at work too much anyway.

Well, I have to write Bubbles and fight with this printer so until next week!

my new friend Spotty

This is spotty. I drew him
on paintbrush! As you can
tell I am getting better at it!

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