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December 2 - 15 2001

Season's Greetings and a Merry Christmas! Ahhh, it is a wonderful time of year. I can't wait for Christmas to get here! I am hoping Santa will bring me a little red sleigh with silver bells! Booy wants a blue sled with bells, too, though he says he wanted it first and I stole the idea from him, but I say HA! That bear is pesky!

Well, Bubbles has been here for two weeks so far and we have had a wonderful time. We all helped decorate the house; we got a new tree this year because our other one is far too big for this little house! It is a strange tree that came in three pieces, so it is not very full. We covered it in decorations and tinsel and lights and it turned out to look pretty good, though. We didn't get to put up as many lights as we did last year because Charlie was being a party pooper and said he didn't like putting up lights. Imagine not liking decorating! But the house looks nice, anyway. We also made light bulb ornaments, which was a lot of fun. I got to make a special one for bubbles that had him and me on it in our little scarves and earmuffs! It turned out very nice, if I do say so myself!

Bubbles and I have been playing a lot of games. We played a Christmas game where he was the Christmas angel, and we made hats out of newspaper and played pirates. We played Jungle explorers and chased around the evil alien cats and we played mountain explorers and all sorts of other things! Bubbles has been having The-Short-One take pictures of us having fun so that he can write a letter to his mommy and show her how great it all was. I am going to put all of Bubbles's little pictures on a web page and make a link to them so that everyone can see all the great fun we had! Oh! I found out that not only is Bubble s my best friend but he is also related to me! He is my cousin! Isn't that great?

I have been trying to decide what to give everyone for Christmas this year. It is such a hard decision. Of course I can't write any of my ideas here because then everyone would read it and know what they are getting! That would be terrible! I can't wait for Santa to come, though I think I will be in Iowa when he does, though I am sure he will bring my presents there to Bubbles's house.

Well, my cocoa is done and I must go drink it while it is hot. Merry Christmas all!


Click here to go see Bubbles's little pictures!

Here is me, bubbles and Booy with the evil cats watching us

Here we are camping out in the front room

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