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March 3 - 15 2002

Hello, hello. I, your faithful little piggy, am back once again. I and my friends have been exploring the area now that the weather has warmed up. It is very hard to get across the big and busy highway, but once we did we discovered a little road all lined with houses. Apparently there used to be a little town here called Slagle. I don't know what happened to it, but it is not a town anymore, just a bunch of little houses. Mostly old people live in the houses, which made us sad because we were hoping to find some new friends. There are some goats living at Pitt's Homes, but it is so very far away! We went there once and talked to the goats, they know Fritz! But they aren't very informative because they live in the country and don't get to hear any of the gossip or see anything exng. So we haven't been back to see them, not that I don't like them, it's just too far to walk when they have no information.

Speaking of information, a new woman has moved into our building. She is very mean and crabby and I don't like her one bit. I am glad that Charlie and The-Short-One have nothing to do with anyone who lives here as they are all crabby looking! I wish we lived somewhere friendly!

There are also a lot of bugs out here, beetles and June bugs and moths, but no Alien Bugs! I am so glad that I have outsmarted the Alien Bugs by moving. I also haven't seen any slugs here either.

Well, I will let you go, my dear friends. TTFN


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