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March 31 - April 13 2002

Easter Greetings! I suppose since Easter is over maybe it is a little late for that...oh well. We had a very nice Easter this year. The Easter Bunny came and brought us special Easter Baskets and hid plastic eggs all over the house. We had a lot of fun trying to find all of the eggs and I'm still not sure we did find them all, that Easter Bunny sure is good at hiding them! After that we had a yummy dinner and chocolate pie for desert. The-Short-One is pretty good at making pies, it is about time she did something useful around here.

A wonderful thing has happened around here, they have finally gotten a cell phone that actually has some minutes on it! I am so happy because now I can talk to Bubbles whenever I want to, well any time I want to after 9:00 at night. But we have been having nice chats!

Clownie and his friends put on their circus for us and it was very, very good. Clownie is very funny, and he is good at juggling. Ellie the elephant did a lot of cool tricks, and Roary the Lion did an amazing Lion act. I was hoping that they would shoot someone from a cannon, but we don't own a cannon so they couldn't do that. But I loved it anyway!

Well, I am going to go...oh! Charlie's birthday is coming up, I am going to do something nice for him!



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