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October 27 - November 2 2002

Howdy Par'dners! Halloween has come and gone and I ended up going as a cowboy. I even had a little lasso, I accidentally lassoed Hug-me and it took awhile to get him loose. We had to have the party in the bedroom because of our houseguests, since they weren't invited. We had pumpkin cookies and Clownie even made us sandwiches on "Bug Buns", bread rolls that looked like spiders. It was all very yummy. We played a lot of Halloween games like "What time is it old Witch" and "cat, Cat, Bat", not to mention, "Ghosts at Midnight". It was great, all things considering.

By the way, we have a new member in the family. Charlie found a turtle on the highway and brought it home and they are KEEPING IT! It mostly swims around in the kitchen sink (that is the only way it will eat) and sleeps in it's little container. It is a very boring pet. I was hoping it would help us fight the Evil Aliens, but I doubt that it will.

As for our house guests Charlie told them that if they don't have jobs by next Friday then they have to leave! Guess what? Curly Top got a job! Then the place he got a job at closed or something like that, so now he doesn't. Then they wrecked their car so now Dolphin Girl is wanting to stay for several more weeks! It has already been two months, oh when will I have my front room back? Stop the Insanity! If it is left up to The-Short-One they will never leave, she is such a MUFFIN!

Well, that is pretty much all that happened here. I shall let you go before the snoring people on the floor wake up and catch me!


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