The Harry Project
By Seymore

I am endeavoring to discover what causes the Harrys to be so very bad. I am going to record my records and findings below.

Meeting 1: Group Meeting -
I met with all of the Harrys at 7:00 pm on March 13, 2004. Surprising all of the Harrys showed up on time. I immediately asked everyone to leave the room who was not part of this experiment. Once the bystanders were gone I began by asking the Harrys to take turns identifying things they found to be fun or entertaining. They then proceeded to name several "bad" activities such as scaring teddies, stealing desert and things of that nature. Then they said that they would show me their favorite pass-time if I cared to see. Of course I agreed and quickly found myself tied up with a blonde wig on my head. The Harrys then proceeded to do an Indian war dance around me complete with war-whoops. Henry was very objectionable about this activity and told the others to let me go. Hannah, Hillary and Helen also suggested that what they were doing was wrong, but none of the three girls actually did anything to stop the others. Finally the Harry's dance was broken up by Pongo who barged in and beat several of them up. Interestingly, many of them ran away as soon as the door opened, showing that they knew their actions were wrong and also that they knew there were consequences to their actions that they did not wish to endure.

Meeting 2: Individual-
From here on out I am going to meet with the Harrys individually, so I can get to understand them as individuals.

Big Button:
March 20th 2004, 5:00 pm: Big Button appeared slightly agitated at our meeting because of it's proximity to dinner, despite the fact that he chose the time himself last week. Before we got started I made him turn out his pockets to be sure he had no rope or similar objects, which he didn't. I opened with questions concerning his early years of life, but was met with resistance as all he seemed interested in doing was answering with absurd "Dr. Seuss" style rhymes. Some examples, "I like eggs, I like ham, I like to throw frogs in the garbage can." "The sun in the sky makes me sigh, and it hurts my little eyes." etc. He also added several "raspberries" in between his rhymes, which were both done to shock or upset me, but accomplished neither. I believe his acting up is to get attention.

March 21st 2004, 4:00 pm: Haunce appeared to be in a good mood and began our session being very agreeable. He answered my questions about his favorite games and TV shows without any trouble, though the answers to both were anything involving Vampires (which he happens to be one of). Shortly into our meeting though, he began asking me what frog tasted like and was soon attempting to, in his own words, "suck my blood". I tried to ask him several more questions, but finally cut our meeting short when it became apparent he was intent on either getting a snack or attacking me. Interestingly enough after our meeting was ended he went straight to the kitchen, got himself three chocolate cookies and was fairly well behaved the rest of the evening. I am begging to think that his behavior is used to obtain things he cannot have otherwise. He acted up so that the meeting would end and he could have his cookies. Interesting.

Black Button:
March 22nd 2004, 8:00 pm: Black Button met with me in the front room, on his own request. He was very difficult from the beginning, answering each of my questions with a question. Some examples: Me: "Why do you misbehave?" Him: "Why don't you?" Me: "Why do you do things to make others mad?" Him: "Why is everyone always mad?". I think his behavior expressed his unwillingness to change his selfish behavior, coupled with knowledge that his behavior is wrong.

Horrible Harry:
March 25th 2004, 7:45 pm: Horrible Harry arrived at our appointment still eating his desert from dinner. Incidentally it was his third desert and one he happily told me he stole from Edgar (upon asking Edgar later I discerned that Edgar did not like Key Lime pie and so did not care). After this revelation, he then began repeating everything I said in a variety of amusing voices. After twenty minutes I gave up on our session and decided I would try to meet with him again.

March 26th 2004, 9:00 pm: My meeting with Henry went very well. Henry was polite, courtious and very agreeable. He answered my questions in a thoughtful manner, and expressed great alarm at the behavior of the other Harrys. He is nothing like the others, but why? Extensive questioning revealed no clues.

March 28th 2004, 5:30 pm: My meeting with Horribella took place in the bedroom while she worked on her painting project for school. She ignored most of my questions, but it gave me a chance to observe the picture she was creating of a three-headed monster. When I asked what it was, she informed me it was the monster that hid under children's beds and bit their toes and then she proceeded to give me a red painted moustache. Our meeting was cut short due to dinnertime. My only conclusion is that she used her painting as a way to ignore me and my questions.

Vampire Harry:
March 30th 2004, 4:30 pm: Vampire Harry came ot our meeting touting a bottle of ketchup, which he assured me he had to have as it was his afternoon snack. He spent the entirety of our meeting loudly slurping the ketchup straight from the bottle. When I asked him why he was doing this he informed me he was "a vampire" and since he could not get any "decent blood around here" must rely on ketchup to sustain him. He seemed to enjoy the idea that his behavior somehow shocked or offended me.

Ninja Harry and Horrace:
March 31st 2004, 8:22 pm: These two insisted that their meeting be together, so I decided to humor them. Most of our meeting consisted of them demonstrating their "cool ninja moves" for me. They were very vague on any answers they actually gave me, consisting mostly of how my question pertained to the "secret art of ninja". I did manage to discover that their heroes were The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but when I pointed out that these were good guys who helped others and did not reek havoc, they both gave me raspberries and then ninja flipped out of the room. Strange.

Baby Harry:
April 2nd, 5:00 pm: My meeting with Baby Harry was not very informative as he mostly played with a pile of blocks. Baby Harry and his counter part Baby Huggy both appear to be very immature and trapped in a perpetual almost baby-state of intelligence. I can only determine that their behavior is based on an inability to make correct social decisions, so instead they follow the rest of the Harry crowd, so to speak.

I am not going to include any more notes on my individual meetings as it makes for a very long file. If anyone is interested in my findings they can contact me via Oinkers e-mail, or ask me in person for the complete file.

My conclusion as to why the Harrys are bad is that they choose to misbehave. They understand the difference between right and wrong, and they also have suffered no severe trauma in their lives to cause their problems. They enjoy being bad, whether it is to get their own way, or because they think it is funny, or a variety of many other reasons. In conclusion, if we were to ignore their bad behavior then perhaps they would be forced to be good to evoke a reaction.

Copyright © Oinkers & Seymore 2004

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