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I've been doinf website awards for awhile now and I have to say it is something I really enjoy! I love winning awards (I have two now!) but even more fun is getting to give them and see the other great sites people have made!
What do you have to do to get an award? It is very simple! First you E-mail Me with:
Your name
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(Be sure and put "AWARDS" in the subject line, so that it draws my attention, otherwise it may take me a lot longer to get back to you.) Then, I go take a look at it, I try all your links and study the layout, colors and information contained there in. When I'm finished I'll send you an e-mail and let you know if you've qualified for an award! Then you get to put your award on your page for everyone to see (though don't forget to link it to my site!) Websites that contain crude or pornagraphic material aren't elligible for an award as we pink pigs aren't very fond of that kind of thing. This does not include art, though, as even the classic works have a fondness for nudity, but I will label it as such in the site description should you win an award. (Want to nominate a site that isn't yours? Then you still need to send me your name and your e-mail, plus the e-mail of the webmaster of the site you want to nominate. Don't know their e-mail? Most sites have an "e-mail me" or "contact me" link that will tell you their e-mail address!) As you can see I have several different awards. You can try for a certain one if you want to (except for "Bubbles's Choice"), but I will give your site whatever award I think it merits. To see what web sites have already won my awards, just click on an award, and you will be taken to a page of links! Have fun and good luck!