
Volume XXXII By Edgar T. Penguin March 2003
Snow Brings Late Winter Fun - At Cost
    The month of February saw a lot of snow - and a lot of days when school was closed.
    The last storm of the month dumped five to eight inches in our area, creating the perfect atmosphere for snowbear building, and sledding. There was plenty of fun to go around.
    Though this fun may be bought at a price, with even more snow forecasted for this month we have used up all of our snow days and may find our summer vacation cut short, and find ourselves in school during June.

"Potatoes Are Your Bros"
A Rap Song By Spud
Yo, yo, yo, yo yo,
Potatoes are the greatest in the world you know.
Better than cabbage and better than peas,
they don't get wilted and they don't turn green
Yo, yo, yo to all my bros
Potatoes are the greatest we all knows
so take a potato back to your crib,
and the two a you can be kickin' it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, potatoes are the way to go,
but don't eat 'em up, they're your friends, yo.

Jokes From Charles the Frog
Why does a hummingbird hum?
    Because they've
    forgotten the words!
Why did the bear throw a clock out the window?
    He wanted to see time

A Pig And A Petition

Picture by Oinkers

Secretary Appealing Decision
    Pigelty-Wigelty used to have a job. He used to be the secretary for the local detective agency. Now he is a jobless pig, trying hard to appeal the decision of his employers to fire him.
    Spotty and Batty were reluctant to fire the pig, though after overwhelming complaints from most members of the household they say, "We just had no choice."
    Pigelty-Wigelty is appealing their decision, and it was decided that if he could get a petition signed by over half of the residents of our house that he would be re-instated. Pigelty had this to say, "Please sign my petition. I can be a good secretary - really."
    If you want to help Pigelty to get his job back then please sign his petition, as his deadline is March 7th.

Baseball Teams Forming
    Baseball Teams are forming in the hopes that one day it will stop snowing.
    Just like last year Booy is heading up "The Bears", Oinkers "The Pigs" and Clownie "The Stars". If you would like to join a team see the appropriate coach.
Editorial: Well Deserved Grounding
By Annie
    Last month a certain bear by the name of Booy was finally caught and punished for his actions.
    The bear in question skipped school in order to spend the day at the "Captain Teddy" marathon at the movie theater. He was caught when his note to the teacher was revealed as a forgery. From there he was caught and grounded for two weeks.
    Contrary to the whining of this bear, I say this is a well deserved punishment, and that it is about time that Booy got punished for his actions - which are usually questionable. I say if a bear doesn't want to be grounded then he should behave and go to school like the rest of us!

    The Penguin Post does not except responsibility for any views published in Editorials.

Red Green Movie
    The Red Green Movie will be on TV this Saturday night. Buster Thomas is hosting a Red Green party to commemorate the event.
    Everyone is invited! Bring your Duck Tape to the frontroom at nine o'clock. Snacks will be provided.


Copyright © Edgar 2003

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