Volume LXII | By Edgar T. Penguin | September 2005 | ||
The Pigs saw 2 wins against both The Bears and The Stars, while The Stars also saw two wins against The Chargers and The Avengers. The Avengers also saw two wins as well against The Pigs and The Chargers, while the Bears and The Chargers managed one win each. Thelast games of the season pit The Pigs against The Chargers, and The Avengers against The Bears - hope to see everyone there!
The Harry Potter Club is moving their meetings to friday evenings at 7pm, to accomidat eThe paper Doll Club, who wants to move it's meetings to Saturday at 4pm. Also, The Science Junior club meetings will now be held at 5pm instead of 1pm, and The Reading Group's meetings will now only be on Tuesdays at 4pm, instead of their three meetings a week they were having. Keep in mindthat everyone needs to go to bed earlier too, and don't forget to do your homework!
Picture by Oinkers
Right now thw total for wins is The Pigs with 7, The Stars with 7, The Avengers with 6, The Chargers with 5 and The Bears with 2, so it is really going to depend on wether the Avengers win this game or not. If The Avengers win then that willbring them up to 7 wins as well, and it will depend on wether The Pigs or The Chargers win as to wether there will be a three way tie for the Championship - which could result in a extra game! Right now, it is just to close to tell who is going to win - but whoever does gets no only the prize, but also a free spaghettie dinner! Good Luck to all our teams!
Andy will be cooking up some delicious hamburgers and hotdogs, and natasha will make her famous potato salad, so don't miss it!
First place was Oinkers, followed after by a very tearful Tearful Teddy and third place went to Pigelty-Wigelty Prizes were given at a ceremony after the race, though the third place winner refused to get off of his bike, grabedhis prize and rode away quickly, his red shoes peddling as fast as they could. Even so, it was still a great event, and hopefully there will be more like it!
Everyone who wants to participate needs to bring a couple of brown paper bags, or other suitable paper and their imaginations. This promises to be a lot of fun - hope to see everyone there!
"It is never too earlyto start working ona party if you want it to be realy good," Spotty told me. If anyone would like to help, then let Spotty know!