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Hello my friends, a calamity has occurred - the summer is nearly over! How, oh how did I not notice it sooner? School will start the Monday after next! Only one week of freedom left for me! I mean, I enjoy school as any astute piggy would, but I lost an entire month of my summer to that horrid punishment I was forced to endure (aka dishes and trash duty). This is just awful!
Baseball season is drawing to a close and my poor team will probably not be getting that shiny trophy. We lost to Booy, can you believe it?!? Booy's rag-tag, unpracticed team beat my regimented, trained team! Okay, my team is not very regimented, but they have been training lately, that should count for something. We didn't get to play last weekend, but we do play against Andy's team tomorrow. I doubt we will win at this point, and even if we do we no longer have a shot at the championship. It is now between Clownie, Orange Ducky and Andy. >(sigh)<.
I have been working on my Troccas cards and have all the trumps done! What is taking the longest is that I am having to get the Iowa bears to pose for me, and it is very hard to get them to sit still! When the deck is done every bear currently here will be on a card! There are over 100 bears, incidentally, and only 77 cards, so it is going to take some arranging, but I am sure I can manage it!
Bubbles finally got his letter written to his mommy, though instead of drawing pictures he took them with the digital camera. I am not sure whether to put this in "letters from Bubbles" or to make it a separate thing. I suppose I will add it to Bubbles's letters, even though it is not to me! The pictures came out quite well, though!
Even with school starting the various entertainers of the house are planning a variety show for next month. Needless to say, I have assumed command of the production, though Peanuts has elected to be my second in command. I like Peanuts, but I feel he is making decisions without consulting me. I wanted to have auditions and then decide who could be in the show, but anyone who expresses an interest in it Peanuts gives the okay to! Jeremy is working on a new poem to read, Sonnett is going to sing, The Fuzzy Animals are going to play a song, Pongo is going to juggle, Cuddles and Barbie have a ballet routine worked out, Sebastian is going to do some magic, and there are many more! I think that with so many bears we need to limit the participants or else the show will take hours, but Peanuts doesn't seem to think so! I also do not want a repeat of Jesse and Zeke's act...
As for the aliens, something is going on. The alien queen escaped the other day and was gone for some time before Charlie and the-Scrungy-brother-Like-Person caught her. feanor has also been escaping, and both are trying valiently to escape on a daily basis. I fear that they are consorting with those outside cats again and that they are using them to send messages to The Mother Ship! we have been keeping their whiskers trimmed, but if they can have another cat send their vile transmissions then it will do no good! The-Short-One is at least helping us keep them in the house, as she punishes them for running outside. I do not know if she has finally realized that they are aliens or not, but at least the alien brainwashing can not induce her to let them out of the house whenever they want to go!
Charlie is thinking about switching jobs and working at the "chicken place" in Buffalo. Apparently The-Scruffy-Guy (formerly known as The-New-Guy) is planning on working there, too. Charlie is also talking about being a truck driver, which means he will never be home! I am quite concerned about this turn of events, but we will see what will happen.
Everyone here is getting ready for school and not a lot is going on. I don't really have much of interest to write about, so I guess I will just go and get back to work on my cards!
Bye, for now
P.S. this months issue of the Penguin Post is the 50th issue! Don't forget to read it!