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Greetings friends! Summer is almost at and end, and soon it will be back to the grindstone again! I have been as busy as I can be - The-Short-One has been a bit of a computer hog as of late. but then, what's new?
I have managed to add a few new Glitters and Tags, though. As always, they are free to use anywhere you want, though I appreciate a link back! I will warn you, you may notice a theme with them, and it is The-Short-One's fault! She's become rather obsessed with a particular band... But I have a few ideas for some more if I can just get the time! frankly if she'd get OFF her Harry Potter group once in awhile we might all get some things done!
I have also given out a new award as well to Baywood Pets! It's a fun website, so check it out!
You may also have noticed that my Extras page looks very, very different. Well, this is thanks to Charlie, who worked very hard on it, albeit he didn't bother to ask my opinion before doing it. Still, it looks nice - though it doesn't fit on the teeny-tiny resolution The-Short-One is determined to keep this computer set at!
As for our non-computer activities, i am not even discussing baseball - period. I will say that I am looking into lengths of rope, and trying to decide when I should hang my team members upside down from the deck. Maybe this weekend while they are resealing that miserable black top that surrounds our apartment? The team is the worst I have ever seen - Booy's team beat us, and Clownie has too. I am ready to give up! It's getting somewhat embarrassing even admitting I know them!
The Harrys were finally cracked down on. As I have complained before, they have all been learning Kung-Fu or something like that lately, and practicing by leaping out at a teddy when they come aorund the corner. Anyway, they teamed up on The-Short-One the other day and she son sorted them all out, and has threatened them with a trip to the Laundromat if they don't stop it. That seems to have quieted them down, though I'm sure it's not permanent. Once they figure out that The-Short-One is obviously on strike from doing laundry (given the state of the bedroom - not to mention the house) they'll be right back at it - or up to something worse I imagine! You just can NOT make a Harry behave for long!
We had a picnic last week in the field next to us, and it was rather enjoyable, despite this ridiculous heat. For once nothing went wrong - well, unless you count Bobby Bear and Hot Stuff pushing Betsy into the cow pond - but she really had it coming so I don't. She started being very persnickety because she didn't feel she had her fair share of shade, and accused some of us - me included, might I add - of hogging it all. Now, would I hog shade, i ask you? NO! of course not! I am generous to a fault! Why, I'd give you the shirt off my back - if I had one that is. I was rather appalled by her accusations, and really felt that she needed a good dip in the pond to cool her off, since she was obviously over heated.
What else has happened around here lately that's worth mentioning? of course with this many bears there are always hundreds of trial and tribulations, but most of them are boring. I sometimes think that the "herd" could use osme thinning, if you get my drift. But, it doesn't seem likely. Though when The-Short-One re-arranged the house she mentioned to Charlie that she thought there were enough of us around, so maybe she's finally gotten some sense?
Well, I think that's about it for now, anyway. Just as well, it will take forever to upload this anyway!