Greetings friends. I am using a grippy ink pen this time and hoping someone will put this on line for me! I'll bet you thought with the recent cold snap that my fights with evil bugs were over, but you and I were wrong! Two days ago I met the king of the alien bugs! He was huge and had long strange legs and wiggly antennas and a striped body! He came hopping into the computer room where I had finally gotten to use the computer to draw some pictures. Well, anyway, he hopped up onto the desk and tried to take over the computer. He got into Word Pad before I could stop him and here is the message he typed: I AM ZIROCH KING OF THE ALIEN BUGS. BE PREPARED TO DIE EARTH PIG! WE ARE GOING TO RULE THIS PLANET SOON! YOUR COLD WEATHER CAN NOT KILL US, AND NEITHER CAN BUG SPRAY! eery, huh? So I did what any pig would do, I squashed him, and threw his squashed body into the garbage. I have seen more of these alien bugs since, but none have contacted me since. I will say more as things develop. Until then, O
