Volume LXVII | By Edgar T. Penguin | february 2006 | ||
To be honest, so far we have not had what one would cal winter, there was a cold week in early December, but since then it has been in the high forties to sixties. What does this warm weather mean? It means no snow or hot chocolate, or any of the other joys that winter brings - but it does mean a very long and warm spring!
The entire school will be taken to Okalahoma for two days to watch the Hot Air balloons, and some teachers have promised if everyone behaves that we might get to ride in a hot air balloon! So everyone get your permission slips signed and turned in and start practicing your best behavior!
Picture by Oinkers
there will be an all-classes school party held in the gym at school this year again. Each class will be doing something different to help with this party! We will also have an inter-house party which will be run and organized by the girls from both houses. If you are interested in helping contact Susie or Cherry pink. And don't forget all of the workshops - this is going to be a season filled with love and fun!
Bioloski and Boo Boo would like to thank everyone who came over early to help clean out the dining room and get it ready for the picnic by spreading blankets on the floor and helping to prepare the food. After dinner it turned into an indoor camp out, and everyone stayed up late and told ghost stories, though there were no campfires! This was a particularly fun and interesting idea, and I say Kudos to it's mastermind!
As the self proclaimed champion he says that he is willing to help run the proceedings, but is first trying to gauge the interest level. if you are interested in helping or participating then please contact Spud!