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July 17 - 30 2004

Summer Greetings, my faithful and patient friends. I say patient because you must be patient to endure the mess Charlie has been creating. He promises me he will soon have the entire site uploaded, but I doubt it. I am going to have to try to convince The-Short-One to upload it for me. I hate to put all of my trust in her as I am very doubtful about the end result.

To begin with, I will tell everyone that my poor paws are so wrinkled from doing dishes that I can barely type this! My little arms are also soar from luggin out heavy trash bags continually! Oh whoa is me!

As for baseball, Orange Ducky beat us 10 - 2, but then we beat Booy 3-3 last week, so it all worked out! We are playing Andy's team tomorrow, so cross your fingers (or paws) and hope that we win. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could beat Andy's team? Not that Andy and I are still feuding or anything, it would just be spectacular to win because we have lost to them all summer!

Next week is the circus, I can hardly wait! Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White have had to add on to the tent to make it big enough to hold us and the Iowa bears too. Clownie has asked me to make programs for the circus, and I have got a sample almost done. Frankly I think it is quite nice and hope he likes it. Doggie has also been very busy making loads of cookies and trying to make cotton candy, though the machine has broken down. our Pongo is working on fixing it - I was surprised to discover that our Pongo is a closet mechanic! How's that for a shocker? In the meantime, Doggie is trying to find a way to make cotton candy without the machine, and his experiments have been dreadful! Hopefully Pongo can save us from one more "test" cotton candy!

I have discovered a new card game: Troccas! It is from Romania or Switzerland as is very entertaining. The only problem with it is that you need a special deck of cards - which The-Short-One happened to have - to play it because it has extra cards in the deck. Booy and I played against The-Short-one and Charlie (we played in teams) and we almost won! Frankly I think we would have won if they hadn't cheated, but we did quite well anyway, cheating and all considered. I think Booy and I should challenge them to a re-match, but part of the problem is my partner. At one point in the game you get to give "hint" to your partner about what cards you have, and he is very bad at getting hints! He says it is my fault because my hints weren't clear, but I'm sure you can guess which of us is right (hint: it's not Booy - wonder if that was clear enough? Hmmmppphhhh!) Anyway, since it takes special cards, I am currently working on making my own deck. Once they are finished I will post them here, along with the directions for playing. I warn you it seems very complicated at first, but after a couple of games you'll have the hang of it!

it has been very hot here lately. The week before last it was quite nice and cool - in fact is was almost jacket weather! Now, though it has warmed up. I was enjoying the cold snap, personally.

Not a lot going on around here that is worth mentioning. Everyone has been too busy with the circus or baseball to be up to too much. Booy had a "Captain Teddy Sleepover" last weekend, and I ended up having to go! Why? Because Bubbles loves Captain Teddy and couldn't bare to miss an opportunity to sit up all night watching Captain Teddy Movies and reading Captain Teddy comic books and talking to other Captain Teddy fanatics. I took a pile of my "Super Pig" comic books so it wasn't too bad of a night. Doggie had made several themed treats, including Captain Teddy Cookies and Dr. Freeze Sundaes. Captain Teddy themed or not, the food was still quite tasty.

I don't have much else to write about - oh! We have been promised that the evil alien known as Blinky is leaving soon, though I see no evidence to this. Frankly having four cats whose whiskers need trimmed has gotten very taxing! Luckily Orange Ducky is not nearly as cowardly as my own generals are, so he has been very useful in the matter. There is one concern with the cat leaving and going to Buffalo - there will be no one there to trim her whiskers regularly! All the Iowa bears are staying here for a it longer, and if they are here and she is there... well, the implications are terrifying!

I suppose on this note I shall sign off for today and go try to get the aforementioned whisker trimming done today.


Here I am slaving away at the dishes and wrinkling my poor paws - they will never be the same.
This is me hauling the giant garbage bags that are so heavy I can barely lift them - oh my poor little arms
This is me playing Troccas.
This is my Troccas partner - who has problems with hints.
This si my sample program. I have noticed that there are quite a few non-traditional circus acts on here! Also, I do not know what Zeke and Jesse are planning to do - I don't think anyone does. Frankly I think Clownie should tell them no before they bring the tent down on us all, but Clownie refuses.

Copyright © Oinkers 2004

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