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October 16 - 22 2000

I am again writing this on paper and hoping it will make it online somehow. It has warmed up here so I am no longer freezing like I was, which is a good thing. Other then that things have been quiet here because The-Short-One has been gone helping Charlie's dad decorate for a Halloween party which I am not invited to!

In light of our lack of invitations we decided to have one of our own. Booy was in charge of the food so we ended up with a lot of honey cakes, only luckily Doggie cooked some cookies and other things so we had food and the bear had enough honey cakes to last him the night.

Spotty was in charge of decorating and he did a good job, though due to The-Short-One's questionable housekeeping we did not need to add cobwebs....

Edgar did the games and we played poker and bingo and musical chairs and a strange witch at midnight game that I don't remember exactly.

We dressed up in costumes, I went as a devil, Booy went as Captain Teddy, what he does every year so I have heard. The others were not very creative, though Edgar painted himself red and white and was a beach ball, which was just strange.

We have decided on Halloween we are going to sneak outside and go trick or treating because it is the only way we will get any candy. If you have any spare candy please mail to

c/o Charlie
Fair Play Missouri

That is all I know of the address so make the rest up, it is a small town, it should get there ok.


our halloween party

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