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June 4 - 17 2006

Hello all! I am just here, in Missouri, boiling to death. The-Short-One has come up with a brilliant economizing thing- she shuts the air conditioner off from one pm till about 3 am when they go to bed. Meanwhile we all choke to death in the heat! I have taken to going next door for a large part of this time in order to keep from melting!

Well, now, for website news! I have added an entirely new section to the extras page - MySpace Stuff. Why? Because The-Short-One and her strange friends ave become obsessed with it. And don't ask me who they are because I don't know. Anyway, I have made some Glitter images and I have also made a BUNCH of New website tags! so go check these BOTH out as i have spent a lot of time on them - well, as much as I can, what with The-Short-One being addicted to the computer. Also, one of her friends has made a bunch of layouts for said MySpace, and she has donated them to be on here as well, so be sure and check these out too! Just go to the Extras section!

On the baseball front things are not looking good. We lost - AGAIN! My team is really rather miserable this year! I have been threatening them all, and I mean it! If we keep loosing I am going to hang them all upside down from the deck and use some of hotstuff's confiscated matches! There is just no excuse for this - we WON last year!

Besides roasting, melting and losing at baseball not too much else is going on here. WE all went camping last weekend out in the cow field. Things went along nicely until the cows showed up and then we were forced to flee for our lives. A lot of bears lost their tents to the marauding heifers, but I was lucky and managed to drag my piggy tent out of the way. I think that we should really NOT go camping in the field again! it is just getting dangerous!

The girls had a large inter-house tea party, and someone substituted their tea with oregano. I have my suspicions that it is Booy, but no one has any proof. The girls even threatened him, and Annie wanted to tie him to the couch, but he maintained his innocence. I think he s far from innocent, if the evil grin on his face is any indication. Someone needs to do something about that bear! Ever since he got that award he has doubled his bad behavior!

Edgar II went on an adventure last week as well, he took our Edgar with him, in fact. They disappeared for two days, and Edgar II swears they were out exploring, while Edgar says they were lost in the wilderness and he refuses to ever go again. They were forced to eat grass and drink water out of a pond, so they say. I would doubt it except that Edgar looked so miserable that I am inclined to believe him. Well, that is about all, so I shall end this now as I have a lot of uploading to do!


This is me melting in the heat!

And here is what it will look like when Annie and I punish the team! I can't punish Bubbles... he IS trying!

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