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February 25 - March 12 2007

Spring greetings friends - because that's what it is here - springtime! Yes, I think winter is over with and now we can look forward to warm weather, light breezes and annoying birds chirping loudly!

In website news I've been rather busy! I have added a total of 46 new Contact Boxes in seven categories! I've been thinking about breaking up some of the miscellaneous ones and creating a new category for Anime & Video games OR Anime & cartoons. I don’t know yet, though. I'm not going to worry about it until I have a lot more of them! But if you're on MySpace go look at the contact boxes! Prefer pre-made layouts? Well, I've also added three MySpace layouts as well, not to mention 13 Online icons! It's just a MySpace bonanza this week! I have been thinking about adding a new section as well, called animated GIF's. I admit, mainly the animated GIF's that we have are of that scrungy guy that sings in the band The-Short-One tortures me with, but maybe someone else would like them?

In household news things have been odd around here. For one thing The-Short-One did dishes! Yes, not only one day, but several days in a row! of course, it now being the weekend that trend has ended, as i knew it would! Speaking of The-Short-One, she went to the doctor a week ago, I think, and I guess she has a strange foot things of some kind, which is why her scrungy toes turn purple, and evidently some other nasty human disease that has something to do with being dry all the time. I don't know, it didn’t make a lot of sense, and I really didn’t listen very well. Booy has all the details, though I doubt her understands them! But because of this The-Short-One is supposed to be quitting smoking, only she's not doing a very good job of it! She keeps having one or two a day anyway. Poff! That’s not quitting! >rolls eyes<

As you may have noticed form the cornucopia of goodies this time I have had some time on the computer while she's been busy cleaning and working on pictures for some art contest or another on her HIM board. I really don’t understand why she spends all of her time in online groups, seems very constricting to me! But then I am a pig and we all know piggies are very smart!

The streak of bad luck has indeed ended, and currently we are planning our St. Patrick's party. There is going to be a costume contest, and I intend to win! Or at the very least tie with Bubbles. We have already begun work on our costumes, and might I say they look quite good! Maybe I'll draw some pictures next time instead of making freebies so you can see what I mean! I'd take pictures but The-Short-One uses the batteries for the camera as fast as she gets them!

Of course party plans being underway means committees, and after the Valentines fiasco I am NOT on the decorating committee! That’s right, they voted that I need a break from decorating and that I should help with the food! I was horrified and shocked and as of this moment I’m not sure that I will. Really, my expertise lay in the artistic, and to relegate me to the kitchen.. it's just an atrocity!

Mrs. friendly seems to be doing better, by the way. She's taking fewer of her little white pills, but I think it may be because they are higher dose. I suggested to her last week that perhaps if they'd just expel Booy she'd feel better. her only reply was to smile dreamily, and stare out the window. Really, I think expelling quite a few students would improve that school immensely! Get rid of all the troublemakers! Then again, they still say Bubbles is a troublemaker from all the riots he caused about the teddy Government and all that, so maybe not.

Bubbles and I have been considering making a comic book of Super Pig and his sidekick Wonder bear. I really think it would be more entertaining than captain teddy! If we do I will be sure and scan some of it off so that I can share it here! I already have plans for their first adventure! it's going to be quite exciting, assuming i have time to squeeze it in, of course!

Things have been fairly quiet here. Sebastian caused a bit of a stir this week when his magician hat disappeared, but Spotty and batty, the resident detectives, soon found it. Apparently it had been carried off by Baby Rexy, who was keeping crackers in it. it fascinates me that the bears next door have MOVED next door and yet still manage to be pests!

Oh! Last week a calamity befell me though – Charlie tried to upgrade Windows and inadvertently formatted the Hard Drive! Yes, he wiped it once again! Luckily, this time ALL the data is on D: and E: so deleting C: was only annoying in the respect that EVERYTHING had to be reinstalled. Still it meant the computer was down for two days! Luckily he has it all up and running once again. That's really about everything that's been going on that's worth mentioning, so I will close this now. I must get to bed anyway. have a long day of school tomorrow.


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