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November 12 - 18 2000

Greetings friends. It is I, your friendly pig. Well, it has been a dull week. The-Short-One has been working at her JOB (amazing, I know) and other then that all is quiet and peaceful.

We still have no internet here, and I must say it is getting to be quite a chore to write this all by hand as my little paws do get very tired. But I suppose it can not be helped unless of course you want to write a letter to the phone company on my behalf telling them what a cruel injustice it is for a little pig to suffer so.

Booy has been busy with Doggy, teaching him to play poker and I have been a bit lonely. I miss my friend Bubbles very much and hope to see him again soon. I mailed him complete directions on using paintbrush so maybe I can feature some of his art work on here soon!

As for me I have not drawn anything recently, but will try to soon. though I must admit I am in fear of those aliens after their assassination attempt by their king. perhaps I will be safe....please squash all alien bugs you see!

Till next time,

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