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December 17- December 23 2000

Holiday greetings friend! Ahhh, I just love this time of year! The smell of plastic pine, the taste of artificial eggnog, the glow of millions of twinkly lights! It just gets you right here....

This year I took on a massive undertaking. I wrote, directed and starred in my very first play ever! I am so very proud. It turned out beautifully. Edgar has written an article about it in which he did a short interview with me, though he cut out some of the more interesting bits. But if you are interested click the link below and take a look!

Other then that I am still working on my plan to get rid of this alien in our home, that's right, that evil cat! So far our plan to cut off her "whiskers" has not gone very far. She is a light sleeper and I seem to live with some cowards who refuse to approach her. Of course I can't do it, I'm the mastermind and the mastermind never carries out the plans, only thinks of them. Everyone knows that.

Well, I must go now. Merry Christmas to all

Click to read about my play

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