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April 22 - May 5 2001

Well, I am still alive and have not yet been crushed by any scary boxes. In fact the house looks a little bit better, though a terrifying thing happened the other day - Charlie and tThe Short One's "friend" was here and she had her CHILDREN with her! Oh the horror. I had to hide the whole time they were here for fear they would put their sticky little hands on me (children always have sticky hands). And you, my friends, know how important it is for me to be clean and tidy, unlike a certain friend of mine whose name I won't mention (Booy).

Well, Annie's bracelet was found, but sadly not by yours truly. Spotty the master detective and his assistant Batty found it outside in the cow field where they'd been playing tag. Though it turns out the reward was just Annie's desert for a week, but I must admit I would like to get extra desert for a whole week! Spotty and Batty have been sharing it, since they both found the missing bracelet.

Speaking of the cow field, it is a very nice place to play, assuming the cows aren't in it. It belongs to a farmer somewhere and is next to our apartment building. There is even a BIG pond in it! That could be a lot of fun come summer! Though these temperatures feel like it is summer. My, I hope it cools off soon!

Oh, I have learned an interesting fact, our apartment building used to be a restaurant. Isn't that interesting? I have also been spending some time, uh..."watching" the neighbors to see who they are. There are a whole bunch of people in and out of the next-door apartment, I am not sure who lives there and who doesn't. And they are often yelling at each other! There are two girls in the end apartment and that is all I know. After all I am a busy piggy and I only have so much time in a day to gather information. I wish Fritz were here, he would know all about them!

Well, that is all for now. I will write more when I have gathered more information.


P.S. I have not seen a single alien bug since we moved here; I think we have outsmarted them! Ha, ha!

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