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May 6 - 19 2001

Halllooooooo! I am still here and have not yet been lost, crushed or maimed! Things here are improving, in fact, the house is getting better, but I seriously wonder if it will ever be finished. The main room is pretty much done, but the bedroom is still a scary sight.

We have also trimmed the evil alien queen Shelob's transmitting antenna. There is a big cat who hangs around outside, I know he is one of her minions and is waiting to try to assassinate me. I'm not sure how she is communicating with this henchman, but I must figure it out before he figures out how to get us. This last whisker trimming did not go as well as usual. The cat was not as deeply asleep as we thought and she got hold of Edgar and chewed him up pretty good before we could rescue him. He refuses to go near the evil cat anymore, let alone to help with our mission to save the earth. Booy got scratched up pretty god trying to save Edgar and he also says he won't help anymore. I'm not too worried about it all because in a month or two they will forget all about it and then they'll do exactly as I say.....I mean then I'm sure we can talk reasonably. heh, heh.

I still haven't seen any alien bugs, in fact an Orkin man comes once a month to spray for bugs, and he swears his bug spray can even kill the alien bugs. The Alien Queen seems to be unaffected by it, though. And I will admit I have seen an occasional creepy bug crawling around so I am not sure how good of a job this "miracle spray" of his is working, but I will believe him for now.

Booy has been learning to play "Rummy" and he is starting to catch on, but he isn't beating me yet. Poor Edgar is completely lost, and Clownie keeps giving all the good cards to everyone else because he is "just being nice". I think maybe we will take up playing "Clue", the board game, soon. These guys are very frustrating when they don't play right and give away the good cards!

Well, I shall go for now as the ink pen is hurting my little fuzzy paws and I have no real hope that The-Short-One will ever actually put this online anyway.


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