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January 1 - 12 2002

Well, it is the start of a whole New Year, isn't that something? Naturally we had a fun filled New Years party. We played our new board game "Who Wants to be a Millionaire". It is very hard, unless you give very good clues, and the whole money thing just gets confusing, oh and we changed the part where you phone a friend and instead of just guessing we actually ask each other. But after all of our alterations it was a lot of fun. We also drank a lot of Sparkling Cider, which was very good, and we had chips and dip and a veggie platter and little sandwiches and mini pizzas and lots of yummy things like that. At midnight we wanted to throw confetti, but we couldn't find where The-Short-One had hidden it so we didn't get to. Oh well, maybe next year....

We have finally gotten a little bit of snow and Booy and I took the chance to try out our new sleds. It was great! We had to take turns with the other kids because not everyone has a sled of their own, but that was okay. My sled was the prettiest of every one's, and the little silver bells jingled as I flew down the little hills. Of course Booy's sled jingled, too, but I just ignored it. When we got tired of sledding we made a little snowbear and then had a snowball fight. When we finally had to go in we all got cups of hot cocoa! I just love cocoa, though I have found that the very best kind is "Land-O-Lakes" Raspberry-Chocolate Cocoa, it is kind of expensive, though. The second best is "Swiss Miss" with the Extra marshmallows; the one that just has a few marshmallows hardly has enough marshmallows to bother with. Of course the best way to make cocoa is with a dollop of whipped cream on top, oh and chocolate sprinkles! Yummy, yummy!

We are also still eating left over Christmas candy - I think we will be eating peanut butter balls until next Christmas! Not that it is a bad thing.....it's just that I would like some more sugar cookies (they are all gone) instead of peanut butter balls. It is cold here today, though not as cold as it is in Iowa! It is so cold up there, I can't believe I used to live there!

Well, I am going to go for now, the alien cats are running around and I know that it is time to give them another whisker trim.

Till next time,


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