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February 3 - 16 2002

Well, it is about time I finally got to come home! I thought I only had one week left in Iowa, but NOOOOOOOOOO. I got stuck staying an extra week just so The-Short-One could go to some concert by "some band that is so pathetic they can only get gigs in a bar" - that is what Charlie said anyways and I am inclined to believe him. The-Short-One has odd taste in music....

Well, we were forced to eat hot dogs all last week and then this last Monday we finally rebelled and had pizza instead! Poor little Andy was so upset he cried because he thought we didn't like his cooking, which of course he is a perfectly good hot dog cook. So I explained it all to him and then everything was better - except that Edgar II took over picking our dinners and so we had pizza every night. Thank goodness I am home where I can eat different things every night. Those kids at Bubbles's house sure are crazy.

Speaking of Bubbles, he made me the best valentine I have ever gotten! It had a little picture of us on the cover and inside it said, "To my, bestest friend in the whole world". It made me so happy! Of course he drew it out by hand because his mommy won't help him on the computer - she says she is too busy! I tried to teach him how to use it, but he has a hard time remembering what I teach him.

While I was gone in Iowa for a MONTH my Generals went and let the cat's whiskers grow back, so now I shall have to organize a whisker trimming immediately. I tell you, if I go somewhere for a few days everything falls apart. Who knows how long the cats have been able to communicate with the mother ship! Who knows what messages they have sent out! Oh, Leave someone in charge! That's what happens when you make Spotty an honorary General (because Booy was with me), he just forgets all about it!

I must be going and begin planning for our attack.

Ta Ta


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