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July 28 - August 10 2002

Well, I am back again! All of this traveling is starting to get confusing! The Short-One has been to the dentist three or four times and they still haven't done anything! I am tired of trooping up there for nothing! Sure, I like the trip and all, but I had to ride in the back of the pick up truck! Normally that would be fun, but they put a TIRE on TOP of me so I wouldn't blow away, can you imagine that? It was a very unpleasant seven hours, let me tell you!

I had fun once I was there, bubbles has gotten a new game called "Old McDonald's Farm". It has a picture of a pink pig on the top, so he thought it was a pig game. It's not; it's a farm game. You each pick little playing pieces (I, of course, was the pig, but they don't have a bear piece so Bubbles had to play the goat) and move around the "farmyard" board. You get to draw cards that either give or take away points, and the one with the most points wins. I had to let Bubbles win a couple of games.

I hate staying at The-Slobby-Brother-like-Person's house because it is so noisy there! Big guys in loud cars have their stereos going all night long. Thump-thump Thump-Thump. It's hard to sleep, and the streetlights shine in the windows! Then there is that Cat, Blinky who sticks her claws in me. Though her gross eye looks a lot better than it did! I hope Bubbles gets his own house soon!

It is still hot here, but my little feet are cold, the air-conditioning nut has been at it again. Maybe if I use the broom handle I can reach the knob and thaw the place out. I shall go try.

Till next time my friends

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