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July 14 - 27 2002

Hallooooooo! I am here, and it is hot, hot, hot. I am very glad for our air conditioning! Well, Bubbles has left, he was only here for one week, but we had a lot of fun. He's gotten very friendly with Spud, a potato like kid who lives here, though I think Spud is really an Easter Egg. Spud has his hair in two "Coolio" braids and runs around in overalls saying "Yo" a lot. He says he is a "Bro". I think he's crazy.

Now that Bubbles has left The-Slobby-Brother-like-Person is here now visiting. The-Short-one hasn't been home much lately because she is out with her guests showing them the town, so I have had a lot of time on the computer! I have drawn two new pictures that I will include here!

Not much is going on around here. Booy has even been behaving lately, I think it is because it is soooooo HOT outside and sooooo COLD in here. Someone who controls the air conditioner sometimes gets a little radical with the temperature settings, I think.

I have also been playing a lot of "The Sims". Charlie is very fond of it and has all 5 expansion packs, even the one where the Sims can buy little pets. I think it is kind of boring after awhile, though it is fun making the Sims NOT go to the bathroom, then they make puddles in the house and cry. Gwahh-ha-ha!

Well, I suppose I must go pack, we are going back to Iowa with The-Slobby-Brother-Like-Person tomorrow so The-Short-One can go to the dentist.

Till Next Time

This is me relaxing This is my best friend and Mouse

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