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August 25 - September 6 2002

Hello, I am grumpy pig! Guess where I am? Am I in Iowa where I should be, visiting my best buddy Bubbles? NO! I am here in Missouri, because I have been FORGOTTEN! That is right faithful friends, I have been LEFT!

Guess who wasn't forgotten? Spud and Edward! That's right, they are in Iowa going to Ice Cream parlors and Pizza parlors and everything else and I am here. Woe is me. Even Booy went! I tell you, what does a pig have to do?

Though I have been trying to spend this time with Charlie, only he has been busy fishing with his dad, so I have been playing on the computer. I have gotten pretty good at Solitaire.. Oh! I forgot to tell you about our new computer! We got a brand new computer tower with Windows 98 (I like 95 better). It is a much faster machine, but it just isn't my old friend. I am trying to like this one, but it is hard because it doesn't have all the quirks I have come to love over the years. It has no memory of me. Ooohh, but The-Short-One is mad. When we got the new computer we put the old hard drive in it, well, Charlie took it out and put it back and LOST all of their other web sites! Luckily I think two of them are on the Internet so they can get them back, but there were three more that weren't, so they are just gone. Luckily my web site is in a different folder!

Well, I suppose, Doggie and I are going fishing in the Cow Pond so I will let you go

Till we meet again

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