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March 12 - 24 2005

Spring Greetings all! Happy belated Easter! You may notice that this is a LATE entry - that is because The-Short-One has been hogging the computer to work on her paper dolls. No consideration for others, I tell you!

Well, to get right to it, I have discovered a few things about the "disappearance" of The-Scruffy-Guy, well, actually Bubbles has discovered it. Apparently he is still living in Buffalo at a motel and has a new girlfriend named... uh... well, I forget. But anyway, he is supposed to be gone but he keeps popping up. He was HERE, in MY house, last week and he would not go away! He just kept talking and talking to The-Short-One. She says she is being nice to him because someone has to in order to get the money he is giving Bubbles's Mommy every week (though I hear it is a pittance). There was other news about him, but I am sure no one really cares.

Well, I had my first club meeting last week, though the turn out was not quite what I had expected. There was a certain bear there, who I would have rather did NOT show up (Booy) as he spent the whole time heckling me until Annie finally pounded him because she couldn't hear. I took Bubbles's opinion and we voted on meeting times. We will meet on Thursdays at 5pm. I also went to Boo Boo's meeting this week, as Bubbles is keen on us joining. We played board games and drank cocoa (it was still cold). I was hoping for a bit more structure, but I guess that is just me as everyone seems happy with it the way it is.

Our St. Patrick's party went quite well. Spotty did an excellent job of decorating with green streamers and shamrocks. He even made a large rainbow out of construction paper and used a plastic cauldron as a pot and filled it with chocolate gold coins (the ones in the gold wrappers). Some of the Iowa bears stopped by and some of our bears wandered over to their party, but frankly I think ours was better!

Easter was on Sunday, and the Easter bunny was quite generous to us all. I got a large pink Easter basket shaped like a piggy! It was packed to the brim with Easter goodies - including a miniature remote-control boat just perfect for the bathtub or the cow pond! Bubbles got a boat too, though his is black (mine is red). We have raced them in the bathtub already and are planning on going out to the pond this week as it is supposed to be warm.

The aliens still have fleas. The collars are not working at all that I can see. The-Short-One got some spray stuff that is supposed to kill fleas in 15 minutes or less, but no one has sprayed the aliens with it. I mean, they have not even put away the laundry yet from LAST week! Charlie got The-Short-One a game cube and the game Animal Crossing for Easter - though as usual he gave it to her way in advance - so she has not done much around here besides play it and work on paper dolls. I manage to get to play it a little bit when I get home from school as everyone here is still in bed then, but I have not created my own character yet. I prefer to play with theirs and spend all their money. Gwahahahahahahahah!

Our government letters have stopped coming in. The-Short-One has funded another round but no one is replying this time. I think this summer we should take a trip to the state capital and demand some answers!

Not much else has happened here.... Oh, Tony and Tuffy have been teaching Sammy, Atlas, and Apollo to wrestle, so now we have our own wrestlers too. They are talking about a multi-house wrestling championship but we will see how that works out after Ruby's rodeo fiasco.

I think that is about all, so i will end this for now. Maybe someday I will get to draw some pictures but I doubt it!


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