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December 17 - 31 2005

Happy New Year!!! It is once again the start of a new year; time to reflect on the old year and everything we have accomplished! Just look at how my website has grown this year! I have joined web rings, I have added lots of new garlands and Web sets, I've started giving out awards, I got an award of my own, added a Guest book and I redid my homepage! That's just a very short over view, of course, but I have done a lot this year and I hope to do a lot more next year!

Speaking of new things, I have added four new garlands for January! They are free to use, as usual, though I always appreciate a link back!

Well, Christmas is over with - as you have noticed by the Valentine's displays going up everywhere. We had a good Christmas this year! Our Christmas Eve party was a lot of fun - we watched several movies - and were forced to endure Emmet Otter's Jug band Christmas. I don't know how many of you have seen this, but let me tell you it is enough to drive a piggy batty! Far too much singing - and it would not be so bad except the songs get stuck in one's head and then repeat over and over until you contemplate bashing your head into something large and heavy. Christmas morning went quite well, I got most of the things I wanted - though I did not get a sled with wheels on it. I heard a nasty rumor that they don't make sleds with wheels and I find that quite shortsighted. I am going to write a letter to the sled manufacturers and suggest they start making them!

I was very surprised to see that Booy not only did NOT get coal - he got the video game he was wanting! He has been playing it non-stop since Christmas and I have warned him that he is likely to turn his brain into mush! Bubbles was quite happy with the hat and mitten set I found him - it is blue with little pink pigs on it. He looks quite nice in it, i can assure you!

Now I will tell you the Christmas horrors. I will start with the small horror, as it may be very hard for anyone who loves this world to take the large one right away. To begin with, Charlie bought The-Short-One Gatchaman collector's set number four and we were forced to sit through six more hours of gruelingly cheesy episodes! She looked it up online and discovered that set five will not be out till February, which gave us some comfort until we discovered that there will be nine sets total - at six hours each - which totals 54 hours of cheese and corn!! That is OVER two days of terror! I am not sure if I will be able to stand it! Frankly, I though Charlie needed a good kick in the foot for buying more of those horrible cartoons, but he says he was being a good husband, and so I suppose I will not kick him as I am sure The-Short-One has brainwashed him.

Now for the true horror - I hope you are sitting down. There are THREE NEW HARRYS!!! Thai's right THREE!!!! The-Short-Ones mother made one for The-Short-One, one for The-Slobby-Brother-Like-person and one for Charlie!! Yes, you heard me right - she made Charlie a Harry! Do you know what that means!?! It means I will never be free of evil Harrys now - no mater what!! Sure, someday the ones belonging to The-Slobby-Brother-Like-Person might leave, but that left all of The-Short-one's still here, but if, by some miracle she did manage to get rid of them we would have been Harry free - but now we won't!! Now we will always have at least one wretched Harry - and these are the worst yet!! (See picture below) They are mean and bad and they BITE!!! Bitey Harry (who thankfully is staying next door - where half of them should be!) had bitten poor bubbles black and blue. I am going to have to go over here and stomp on him I think! Oh! Why would anyone make more Harrys?!?! And my real fear is that this means There may be more in the future - in sets of THREE!!! Oh! I have gotten a headache just thinking about how terrible this is for humanity!!

The school had their Christmas play - it was mediocre at best. Bubbles did a wonderful job though - he was the best Indian they had! Captain Hook, on the other hand, was horrible - and he forgot his lines during the big fight scene! I only went to make Bubbles happy - if he had not been in it I would have skipped the entire disaster! Oh well, I guess it gave me a chance to point out afterwards everything they did wrong! And do you think they appreciated it?! NO! They got quite irate and threatened to tie me up! Needless to say I left and took my helpful advice with me - hrmph!

If I thought the house was a mess before it was nothing compared to its current state! The-Short-One's father is down for a visit now and she seems to think that because he is here she can not clean anything! I tried waving a dust rag at her today, hoping she would get the hint, but so far nothing! People can be very dense sometimes!

Well, I am off to my New Years Eve party! Have a Happy new year everyone!!



Bitey Harry             Hilmina             Evil Harry

the mitten set I gave Bubbles!

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