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July 1 - 12 2001

Greetings, friends. The evil alien General is still here, though we encourage her to go outside whenever the door is opened, and she gets spanked for it, hee-hee. Shelob the evil alien queen is also trying to get rid of the pesky, disgusting little ball of fluff. There is one consolation, if this General is the best the alien army can come up with then we shall be victorious! The General is always throwing up, or meowing, or getting into things or eating or sleeping. She plays with her own tail! And she is always licking things - she even licked me, yuck!

Well, Aliens or no Aliens the Fourth of July came and went. We wanted to go see the big fireworks display in town, but it is such a long walk and I have such little legs! So we didn't get to go, but we had plenty of fun anyway. We ate hotdogs and potato chips and then we shot off firecrackers. Naturally I directed which fireworks to shoot off. Booy wanted to shoot off everything at once, but luckily we stopped him, imagine what a short party it would have been then! Then Charlie and the The-Short-One came back so we had to clean up our mess in a hurry - I didn't want Charlie to feel bad that he wasn't invited. After that we watched movies until we got so sleepy we had to go to bed.

As for the cow pond we are all playing in it again, Booy has been very good and hasn't even thrown one worm. I am waiting because I know he will crack soon, it's too hard for him to be good.

Well, I am going to go now, because The-Short-One is back. Instead of writing this out I am typing it so she can upload it to my web site without having to read it. I know, I know, I am a genius!

Till next time,


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