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August 12 - 25 2001

Well, hello friends. These last two weeks have been boring and hot. It has been too hot to even play in the cow pond so we have been staying indoors. Booy has finally mastered "Rummy", so we have been playing "Clue" a lot. Unfortunately Spotty and Batty are really good at detective stuff and so I find myself loosing.

Charlie and The-Short-One have just gotten back from Iowa, I am not sure why they went, they were only gone for four days, but they have brought back a plant and Charlie seems sad. I think maybe he is sad because The-Short-One doesn't hug him enough, she is always hugging that worthless General. I think that I am going to try hugging him and see if it makes him feel better. I am sure it will help. In fact I think I will hug him tonight, unless of course my poor little hands are hurting too much from holding this ink pen. Oh, even if they do hurt I will still hug him anyway.

I have been watching a lot of TV lately and I must say I am very tired of that show "Everybody Loves Raymond". I and The-Short-One both agree on the fact that it is stupid! Though The-Short-One has been watching "Friends" a lot lately. I think that show is dumb too. They are all so rude and crabby, and then there is "Seinfield", of course it is all re-runs. Oh I am tired of re-runs. Maybe someday there will be new shows on TV.

Well, I must go now.


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