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August 26 - September 8 2001

Greetings friends. I am finally back home from my trip to Bubbles and let me tell you a sad and terrible thing has happened to Bubbles, a one eyed Alien called "Blinky" has infiltrated even his home! I am safe nowhere now. Even when I visit Bubbles I am under surveillance, which is no doubt why the alien was assigned to her post! I am going to try to help my dear friend Bubbles to defeat this alien, but there aren't any decent Generals to be found at his house. I love Bubbles, but he and his friends are kind of, um.... easily scared.

The Alien is not Bubbles's only problem. While I was at his house there was a terrible rainstorm that leaked through the ceiling and flooded the kitchen! We put on our little raincoats and tried to help clean it up, but there was just SO MUCH water! We finally had to let The-Short-One and her mother handle it.

Other than that we had a lot of fun. After Booy and I had only been there a few days Blinky went to stay with that Slobby-Brother-Like-Person because she need to go see an alien doctor for her oozing, disgusting eye. She has one good eye and one yucky eye, I wonder what happened to her. Perhaps she was attacked by another who knows about her secret mission.

I wish Bubbles had come home with me; I miss him a lot. We have so very much fun together. I also like Mouse and Andy - who by the way is Annie's brother! - And Tommy Toad and Edgar II and everyone else, it's just that Bubbles is my very best friend in the whole world.

Well, I must be going because my little paws are hurting.


Here is a picture of us in the flooded kitchen. I have learned to use layers
in Paint shop Pro and am very proud of myself.

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