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October 21 -November 3 2001

Halloween Greetings friends! Halloween has come and gone and I am happy to say it was a fun Halloween, even though we didn't get to do any trick or treating.

Charlie and The-Short-One went to a Haunted House in Springfield, and do you think they took us? Nooooooooo! So, guess what we did? We made our own Haunted House! I am very proud of how well it turned out and feel very sad that we had to take it all down. I think we should have left it up for posterity, but The-Short-One wouldn't let us. We made it by stringing a rope all over the "dining area" and draping it with black garbage bags. Then we drew numbers from a hat to see who got which section of it, everyone had to do something in it. I made a gruesome ghost out of construction paper and painted it with The-Short-One's glow-in-the-dark-nail polish. I accidentally used it all up, but she still didn't need to be so crabby about it all! Clownie hung yarn from his section so it would brush over our faces when we walked through it. Booy stood at the end and jumped out and sprayed us all with Silly String when we came out, but when he went through it I had to do the honors. Anyway, I don't have space to list what everyone contributed, but needless to say it was the best Haunted House ever! We all took turns going through it at the end of our party, it was very spooky!

Of course we all dressed up again this year. I went as a King, and of course Booy went as Captain Teddy, like he does every year. I will draw a picture of what we all went as and have The-Short-One put it at the bottom of this rather than list it all out.

Well, I must let you go for now, my little paws are hurting and The-Short-One probably won't put this on the internet if it is too long.


Here we all are in our costumes!

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