Doggie's Kitchen
Main Dishes
Side dishes
Contact Me

Welcome to my recipes site!

greetings friends! This is my web page devoted to my favorite pass time: cooking. I have included some of my favorite recipes! If you have any recipes you would like to share please e-mail me from the "contact me" page and share them. I will credit you under whatever name you prefer!

Right now I have only posted three catagories, but don't worry I will post more!

me in my kitchen gear with my favorite ladel

This is me in my favorite kitchen outfit holding my favorite ladel. Some of my friends think I am silly for having a favorite ladel, but it just so nice. It is made of nice, thick shiny plastic.... My buddy Oinkers drew this picture for me, he is really good at drawing!

Below are some websites that you should take a look at!

booy's homepage

Click on the bowl to go to my friend Booy's web site and see what kind of trouble he is "stirring up".


Click on the pan to visit my friend Oinker's weblog and see what excitement he is "cooking up" for us.


Variety is the "spice" of life. Add some variety to your day and visit my friend Spotty the dectective's page. The second best dog site around!

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